Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Dogs

Although funny and creative advertisements are effective in grabbing people's attention, I think inspiring ads that have an emotional appeal are more effective in actually pulling people to buy a product or service. This ad for Asics running shoes is very effective in pulling customers, especially those who are dog lovers.

What I like about this ad is that it doesn't tell the audience directly to buy Asics running shoes. Instead, it uses a different approach, by stating that dogs would "lead fuller lives" is the whole world ran. This ad is very powerful because instead just telling it's audience to buy these shoes, it makes a statement of why everyone should be a runner. Its focus is on dogs leading full and happy lives which can have an emotional appeal to dog owners or lovers.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Terrible Ad in Spanish

Because the Spanish-speaking population in the U.S. continues to expand, it is very important that brands hire people who are proficient in Spanish. It's unbelievable to me how Bud Light can run this ad without realizing that "parking" and "building" are not Spanish words.

With, "Tan buena como encontrar un parking frente al building" Bud Light meant to say "So good like finding a parking spot in front of the building." I think that most Spanish-speakers who saw this advertisement were able to understand what it meant to say, however, not using proper Spanish makes the brand look really bad. It makes Bud Light seem lazy for not researching the proper translation of what they meant to say. There are thousands of Spanish-speaking professionals and plenty of on-line resources that this brand could have used to make sure that they were using proper Spanish. I feel that there is no excuse for a such a Major brand in the U.S. to mistranslate such a simple phrase into Spanish.

I also feel that if Bud Light wants to advertise how great their beer is, they should have used a more powerful simile. Of course finding a parking spot right in front of the building you're entering is great, but is that the best this brand could come up with? How are parking spots relevant to beer? People shouldn't even be drinking and driving! I would have compared the beer to something refreshing such as walking into an air-conditioned store on a hot day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kit-Kat bench

I really enjoy creative advertising strategies such as this one for Kit-Kat. I like how they took something that somewhat resembles the shape of the chocolate and turned it into an advertisement. Very Clever.

I feel that if I were to see this bench while walking in a park, I would immediately crave a Kit-Kat bar.