This commercial features Pauly D, who is known for being on the on the popular reality TV show "Jersey Shore." In this commercial Pauly D is getting getting his suit tailored and he first thing that Pauly D says is, "I hate Miracle Whip" and he goes on about how much he hates it and says that he wouldn't date a girl who liked Miracle Whip. Towards the end, he asks the tailor if he likes Miracle Whip and the tailor responds yes and ends up pricking him with a pin, which seems like his way of getting back at Pauly D for hating it. The commercial also displays text that reads, "We're not for everyone. A little loud, a little tangy. Are you Miracle Whip? Get a taste and decide."
The first time I saw this commercial, my roommate asked, "why would they have someone talk about how much they hate Miracle Whip? Wouldn't that be bad advertising?" It may seem like bad advertising to some, but I actually think this is very clever because I feel that it would attract people who have never tried it by making them wonder if they will like it or not. It's clear to the people who came up with this advertisement that people either love this product or hate it, which is very sincere and clever way to "poke fun" at their product. They also invite people to "get a taste and decide" if they like Miracle Whip.
I really like all of these commercials, but I still hate Miracle Whip.
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